All About Breaking News: My dreams

Thursday 20 November 2014

My dreams

I am tired of being the one who cares..
now I want someone who cares for me.
I am tired of being the one who fights for a relationship ….
now I someone who fights for me.
I am tired of waiting and waiting for phone calls and message…..
now I want someone to crave for my time and attention.
I want someone who dreams about me and thinks about me day and night.
I want someone who makes me feel loved, desired, craved for and really really special.
I want someone who makes me feel like his life is incomplete without me.
I don’t need someone to write love poems for me or sing love songs for me.
I don’t want someone to sweep me off my feet with his looks and his charm but YES I want someone to whom I can bare my soul without fear.
I want someone with whom I can be open and vulnerable without a single inhibition.
I just want someone who can put his arms around me, hug me tightly and take my pain away.
I just want a shoulder where I can keep my head and forget all my worries.
I want someone to fight the world for me and make me feel like the queen of his heart.
I want someone who loves me madly and crazily and shows me that he does…

Er.Rakeshkumar Rajput
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