All About Breaking News: March 2015

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Need of Right Person

Sometimes you have to try not to care, no matter how much you do because sometimes you can mean almost nothing to someone who means so much to you. It’s not pride it’s self-respect. Don’t expect to see positive changes in your life if you surround yourself with negative people. Don’t give part- time people a full-time position in your life. Know your value and what you have to offer, and never settle for anything less than what you deserve.~Rishi Rajput

Thanking you sir/Madam

Rakeshkumar Rajput

Sent from iOS

Friday 6 March 2015

How To Make A Long Distance Relationship Work

However, it doesn’t mean it is impossible to make a long distance relationship work – of course it can. Here are few tips to help you handle your long distance relationship and get the best out of it.

1). Trust
The most important factor that must exist between you two is Trust. Yes, I understand that it’s a difficult thing to do because you have no idea what goes on over there but you also have to understand that a long distance relationship can never work without trust.

Try your best to avoid temptations and put in the same effort to remain faithful. Don’t intentionally put yourself where you can possibly get tempted. Assure your partner that there’s absolutely nothing to worry about.

Avoid putting pressure on your partner when you have no idea what they’re doing. Give them a little space, it won’t harm you instead, it will keep things calm.

2). Communicate Frequently
This is another key to a successful long distance relationship. Communicate daily if possible. Forget what happens in the world and talk more about yourselves. Even when you don’t have sufficient call credits, a text message won’t harm. Don’t forget the magic words, “I love you” each time you communicate. It helps. Remember, whenever you forget to keep in touch, always make up for it whenever you communicate.

3). Have Patience
You signed up for this. So, you need to wait. Have patience and always be positive.

4). Visit Often – When Possible
Are you the type who’s very busy with work? Yes, your partner might understand that but dear, you do need to make out time for a visit. At least, to make them feel what you have is real, not a blind relationship. Whenever you visit, try to spend every second on important and romantic things. Don’t waste the time because it doesn’t come always.

5). Make Sacrifices
Love requires sacrifices. Whenever you’re alone, there will be lots of temptations and things that would want to make you give up but please, don’t give up. You have to wait and believe. This is part of the major sacrifices you’ll make. Always believe and hope that the lonely times will someday end and good times will come.

6). Support Each Other
That you’re apart doesn’t mean you can’t support each other. Always make it possible for your partner to contact you whenever s/he is in trouble. Whenever they’re in trouble but can’t reach you, they begin to believe you’re of no use thereby, wanting out of the relationship. Financial, moral and emotional supports also proves you care.

7). Don’t Listen To Haters
Don’t just involve third parties in your affair when there’s no reason for that. Most of them are haters. They would try all they can to destroy your relationship and you’ll only give room for that by listening to them.

A friend of mine who keeps a long distance relationship once asked me, “Kay, my best friend advised me to ditch my man over a fight we had on the phone, what do I do”?

The first question I asked her was, “Is she keeping a long distance or traditional relationship?” and the answer was “Traditional.”

How can you you seek advise from someone who isn’t in a long distance relationship? Of course they’ll mislead you. They’re having a different experience from yours and their doubts may not reflect your present predicament. Try to handle your issues wisely. If you must seek advise, evaluate the person before proceeding. Remember, haters are everywhere.

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